
Your Guide for IT Support, Communities and Web3

IT Support

Providing User Support, Office 365, 24/7 Emergency, and Remote Support, our services cover a broad range of IT needs. Furthermore, with over 15 years of experience in Office 365, we ensure effective setup, configuration, and management of your email systems and more.

Discord & Telegram Setup

Unleash your community's potential with our professional server creation and moderation services. Experience the perfect blend of high-end bots, meticulously managed roles, and robust two-factor authentication - all under the vigilant eye of our expert team.

Community Moderation

Experience the gold standard of online communities with our top-notch moderation services for Discord and Telegram. Our dedicated team ensures your servers thrive, promoting positive engagement while curtailing distractions.

Web3 Advisory

Understanding Web3 can be tricky, but it doesn't have to be. Our team provides clear, personalised advice, helping you make sense of blockchain and decentralization. Let us guide you through the Web3 landscape, making it easy and accessible for you.

Our Team

Masterminds behind NetVortex

Brandon Fisher

Founder of NetVortex

Regan Fisher

Co Founder Of NetVortex

Gary Blackburn

Head of Moderation
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